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One of the issues with the homepage carousel was that in some instances, the descriptive text would get lengthy. And the carousel would slide to the next pane in less than 5 seconds. This would pose difficulties to the users to read lengthy text in a short span of time. My recommendation was to shorten the length of the text which would be more readable and user friendly. 

In addition to this, I suggested the removal of the arrow glyphicons on the mobile homepage banner. 

In the current day and age, mobile users are already familiar with the swipe functionality on their phones. The 3 dots on the banner are intuitive and act as an indicator that there are more slides in the carousel. Also, the carousel panes move by themselves automatically after a few seconds. 

The removal of arrows may not add a great conversion value to the page, but it would definitely reduce the noise and improve the overall balance of the banner and make it look more minimalistic and aesthetic.


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