Problem Statement
Order food for someone who is very cautious about fitness and health
Identifying the problem
Dining at restaurants can be a hassle during both rush hours and situations like the pandemic. Cooking at home requires time, willpower and patience. The solution to this is food delivery. There is an increasing rise of food availability throughout the world. This comes with endless options with attractive offers at our fingertips. But along comes obesity, heart disease and several other unwelcome guests.
The goal is to design a mobile app that lets users order healthy food from their favourite restaurant easily and quickly.
End Users
Anybody who is health-conscious or who wishes to start eating clean.
Swathi recently moved to Bangalore after landing a job at Stell Corp. Since this is her first time in Bangalore, she is very excited to meet new people and explore the city.
Swathi is a person who believes in work life balance and she treats her body as a temple. She exercises on a daily basis and tries to eat home cooked food as much as possible.
Swathi needs to find healthier alternatives when she doesn’t have enough time to cook. Since she is a workaholic, sometimes she doesn’t find enough time to cook her own meals.
Visual Design Screens
Swathi M, 26
Analyst, Stell Corp
This storyboard shows how Swathi uses the Cravery app to make healthier choices.
User Flow
Colors and Typography